How do I print using Apps and Desktops Anywhere?

To use printers configured on your own computer, including your home USB or network printer, or the PaperCut queues setup on your computer, you need to have VMware Horizon Client installed on your device.

If you are accessing Apps and Desktops Anywhere (ADA) without the VMware Horizon Client installed, you can only print to ADA's PaperCut network printers. Print jobs must then be released at the on-campus printers.

Mac users should ensure printing services have been setup correctly. See "Setting Up Printing in VMware Horizon Client on Mac" below.

How to print

  1. In the remote app's window, click File then Print.
  2. Select the printer.

    Note: Printers with an (s2) or (s4) suffix are printers set up on your computer. The job is sent to your computer via the Horizon Client, and the computer prints it.


  3. Select Print


Setting up printing in VMware Horizon Client on Mac

The first time you use VMware Horizon Client on your Mac, you should be prompted to Start remote USB and Printing services. Click Continue and enter the username and password of a user with admin privileges.


If you clicked cancel to skip this step, you can only print to ADA's PaperCut printers. To set this up later:

  1. Connect to Apps and Desktops Anywhere and open the Settings gear button.


  2. Click Applications, and then Start USB Services.


  3. Select Continue, and then enter an admin password.


  4. Local printers, including the Deakin-Print Papercut queue, should now be available from the Windows Print dialog as shown below.

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