Booking a room/resource with Outlook for Windows

To book a room or resource using Outlook, please refer to the instructions below.

  1. Open the Calendar section in Outlook.

  2. Open a new appointment or meeting.

  3. Switch to the Scheduling Assistant and click Add Room.

  4. Under Address Book, select Global Address List.

  5. Locate and double-click the resource to add it to the rooms bar at the bottom. To filter the list, you can either type the name of the resource, or switch to more columns and enter the room number etc.

    Note: centrally bookable meeting rooms can be found by entering the below into the search bar in the more columns view. Centrally bookable meeting rooms are available for booking by all Deakin Staff.

    *(Campus initial) DEAKIN

  6. Select OK

  7. Check that all participants are available during the selected meeting time - the Scheduling Assistant will show you if any meetings are already scheduled in your desired times

  8. When you've set an appropriate date, time and subject, and added participants as you would for any other meeting, click Send.

    It is recommended that you review the location field in the meeting booking to check that it will be understood by the recipients of the meeting invite.
    The location field can be edited to something more suitable if required.
  9. You will receive a response when the owner has reviewed the booking. In most cases room bookings send an automatic response email.

Unable to find the room in Outlook

Some spaces cannot be booked within Outlook. These rooms need to be booked through room bookings.