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Short descriptionNumberVersionCategoryPublished
How do I create a Deakin IT account and generate my username and password? KB00139361.013-01-2019
Why can't I login to STAR or access my study timetable? KB00138241.029-11-2018
How do I get my name badge for my placement? KB00138441.010-12-2018
How do I change or add my major sequence, minor sequence or specialisation? KB00144701.020-08-2019
How do I pay back HELP loans? KB00142301.006-05-2019
How to store Access Plans in Outlook KB00146181.026-11-2019
What is STAR - Student Timetable Allocation and Registration? KB00115671.020-12-2016
What is FutureLearn Campus and how do I access it? KB00152311.002-08-2021
How do I apply for a transport travel concession? KB00140661.006-03-2019
How do I find my Applicant ID or password? KB00144691.020-08-2019
How do I change my Deakin password? KB00138611.010-12-2018
What should I do if I receive an email saying I have a Tax File Number (TFN) verification error? KB00153041.0
Can I study overseas? KB00138521.010-12-2018
Email Templates: Online Note Taking Communication for Academic Support Workers (ASWs) KB00151781.004-06-2021
Can I extend my student visa to attend my graduation ceremony? KB00150571.017-12-2020
How do I apply to study at Deakin? KB00144681.020-08-2019
 I have lost my student card, who do I contact about this? KB00138461.023-01-2023
What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)? KB00151151.028-02-2021
Where can I download software? KB00140081.021-02-2019
I need to report an incident KB00146421.009-12-2019