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Short descriptionNumberVersionCategoryPublished
Information for Students working with an Academic Support Worker (ASW) KB00151821.010-06-2021
How to store Access Plans in Outlook KB00146181.026-11-2019
Information for Academic Support Workers (ASW) - Note Taking KB00151791.008-06-2021
What is the legal definition of an assistance animal? KB00148131.015-04-2020
Email Templates: Online Note Taking Communication for Academic Support Workers (ASWs) KB00151781.004-06-2021
Academic staff: What is Digital Accessibility and where can I get more information? KB00139421.015-01-2019
Student: What happens during my first appointment with a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO)? KB00146611.006-01-2020
Student: I am Deaf but I want do my teaching placement in a mainstream school. Is this possible? KB00148191.020-04-2020
Student: I have a disability - Do I have to be enrolled at Deakin to get an Access Plan? KB00151691.012-05-2021
Student: Do I have to update my supporting documentation every trimester? KB00146931.021-01-2020
Student: Do I need to register with the Disability Resource Centre? KB00146901.021-01-2020
Student: Access Plans and Special Consideration? KB00146111.022-11-2019
Student: Can my Access Plan from my previous university be implemented without new documentation? KB00150741.014-01-2021
Student: I have a disability. When should I contact the Disability Resource Centre? KB00146741.020-01-2020
Who is considered to be a qualified health professional for supporting documentation? KB00146781.014-09-2023
Student: Where can I find my Access Plan? How will it be sent to me? KB00150931.026-01-2021
Email Template: On Campus Note Taking Communication for Academic Support Workers KB00151971.024-06-2021
Student: I indicated on enrolment that I had a disability. Do I still need to contact the Disability KB00150961.027-01-2021
Student: Is supporting documentation required to engage with the DRC? KB00146841.021-01-2020
Student: What does a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) do? KB00146831.021-01-2020